107 Scenic Drive, Nowra
Nowra, 2431, NSW

Your First Visit

Your First Visit – What to expect

On your first visit we ask that you arrive 15 minutes early to fill out some basic personal health information forms, which can assist the Chiropractor in making their diagnosis.

Alternatively you can download the required forms from the Downloads link on our site. You can complete them prior to your visit and bring them with you to your appointment.

Your initial consultation will typically take 30-40 minutes. The doctor will take you through a comprehensive medical history, which can include questions about lifestyle, past injuries/illnesses, as well as a specific look at nutrition and activity levels.This allows us to comprehensively examine all factors that could be affecting your health.

A thorough physical examination will follow, including baseline health assessments as well as more specific testing. These include neurological, orthopaedic,postural, chiropractic and muscle tests.

Having then reviewed all the above information the Chiropractor will then give you a brief report of findings. This will outline the possible causes and details of your condition, as well as a suggested management plan to follow.

If further testing such as x-rays are required, the Doctor will make the necessary referral for you. If we detect any underlying condition that cannot be treated by Chiropractic, it is our policy to refer you to your GP or specialist without delay.

Almost always, treatment can be provided on the first visit. The nature and extent of the treatment provided will depend on each specific case. Advice regarding nutrition and exercise is often provided in an attempt to facilitate your recovery.


Consultations are by appointment only. The clinic is open Monday to Friday and Saturday mornings. You may contact the clinic on (02) 4421 2376 during normal business hours. Or by email